craigslist is a way of life

i’m now looking at all my stuff in another place and realizing that i’ve got a lot of shit. it first dawned on me while i was transferring all my stuff from my old place to this new one here and moving the records by themselves took 2 days. we finally found a bookcase(6′ X 3′ X 12′) that could fit them all but now we need another one that’s 9 feet long and about 3-4 feet high that will actually hold books, as well as my recently revamped turntable and receiver. and for some reason bookcases are not only difficult to find in the right dimensions(those of space and time) but cost way more than one would expect. so now i think we’re stuck with going to ikea which is not only a place that i’ve managed to completely avoid all these years but also requires that you assemble their furniture at home. god help me, i’ve been yuppified(though i still despise bourgeois society and all its accoutrements, which is a pretty bourgeois word to describe my dilemma).
one thing i did get into during the moving process was getting rid of stuff on craigslist. i had done it before about 5 years ago when i thought i was moving to long beach, ca but didn’t and back then the method was to put shit out on the curb and if nobody took it fairly quickly i’d post it on craigslist and lo and behold that thing would be gone pronto. i gave away all kinds of things and some of them got snatched up so greedily that it was obvious i should have sold them instead but my mind was messed up at the time and i didn’t feel like making deals. this time i was a little more pro-active and was able to sell just a handful of things but hey, $80 is $80.
my most interesting craigslist ordeal centered around a stack of cruddy paintings i did about 7 years ago, i had decided at some point that i was going to teach myself how to paint and spent probably over a year working at it and pretty much ended up where i started which was at lousy. anyways i was in the process of loading them into the truck for a dump run when i decided that what the hell, let’s see if anyone likes them and so i posted them on craigslist for $5 each under the heading “free weird paintings from a guy that actually does collage”. the gist of the ad was that i didn’t think much of them but that art was subjective and that if my collages ever took off maybe the paintings would be worth something. nobody even nibbled, let alone bit, so i reposted them for free and got a lot of responses and i tend to think that was solely because the price was right but you tell me:


and those are probably the best ones.
the 1st guy that wrote me flaked off pretty quick but there was a guy named john who drove all the way from milwaukie(oregon, not wisconsin) to look at them and he took 4. i guess they’re for a 3-bedroon 1200 square foot mobile home he just bought for $13,500 and he was psyched and that made me feel good. so then i started getting other responses and since giving away paintings to people who liked them made me feel good i decided to try to give them to as many people as possible which is what i’m in the process of doing right now, there’s 5 people and i’m having them send in their faves in numbered order and then i’ll figure out what goes where and then they can come pick them up. it’s fun, and if doing art wasn’t a full time thing i’d probably keep giving stuff away for free. because the thing about capitalism is that it’s all about exploitation and manipulation and since the goal is to make the biggest profit possible someone always ends up on the bottom and anyone with any soul to speak of is not interested perpetuating that dynamic. ripping people off is a rotten thing to do unless you’re ripping off people who can afford it in which case it’s fair game because if someone is rich you pretty much know for a fact that they’ve been on the other end of the stick ripping OTHER people off and turnabout is fair play, especially for cruel fuckers like the bourgeois and even the petit bourgeois, yep, even the petit ones are fair game.
anyways i almost got the painting-distribution plan assembled, i’m just waiting for one more person to write in with their list of faves and then i’ll throw all the numbers in the hopper and hope everyone gets something of a bingo. making another person happy is a nice thing to do and since i’m trying to do that in my non-painting life(which is all of it at this point) i’m gonna let the same sentiment seep into every endeavor where it belongs. wookie and leni and guzzy deserve it so let’s see how i do.
fuck the midterms, politics these days is just another losing proposition.

About kcascell

portland, OR collage artist has a slight obsession with "out"-music and left-politics, likes cats and ice cream and has no idea what he might write about on any given day (but you usually get a song or a picture at no extra charge). blog co-stars the elusive wookie and a small cast of other characters and may or may not touch on current events.

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