i got a write

i haven’t been writing much lately and i’d like to think it’s because i’ve been doing too much other creative stuff like doing art or taking 2-hour naps(gotta rest up for all that creative stuff) but like with most things i think it’s a pretty mixed bag. i HAVE been trying to finish up a bunch of pieces and have also been taking down/hanging shows and trying to figure out how make prints/have them made and also tying up all the loose ends regarding the tape release for union pole and taking care of leni but to say this takes up more than about 30% of my time might be a stretch. the fact of the matter is that if i had more discipline i could be doing what i’ve been doing PLUS writing most days PLUS doing some research on things i need to know like how to sell art and why the bathtub won’t drain, or figuring out a better approach/method for scanning/printing than the sort of half-assed and semi-cognizant trial-and-error attempts that i’m famous for, i could be doing all of this shit and have time left for watching the 3rd season of the wire and picking up a goddamned book from time to time(where’d my pelecanos-inspired momentum go fer chrissakes?) and visiting people i should visit(or at least WANT to visit) and etc. there’s a lotta minutes in a day and i could most definitely using more of them productively, so let’s try not to kid ourselves too much here.
probably the main thing about the writing stuff is that i’ve lost a certain amount of not-giving-a-shit off-the-cuff-ness and once that’s gone you’d better have a PLAN bub, cos you’ve got to generate a lot of words before you can even CALL the process of doing so “writing”, and i am(famously, yet not so) in general the plan-less type. now what i used to do was just pick a song i wanted to hear and post it up top and start writing and see where it went, it often started being about the song itself but then went on t0 bigger and better(or smaller and worse, but regardless DIFFERENT) things. but just like with this morning, lately i’ve been overthinking the song selection by trying to predict what i would be(or could be) writing about it and anything else and so i haven’t even gotten past the opening salvo and into the meat of whatever matter might crop up. finally today i just said fuck it and put the devo song on because i wanted to hear it and i obviously didn’t have any preconceived notions of what i might write about because i’m 440 words into this thing and still haven’t said anything at all, which is why it’s a good thing that i’ve thus far refrained from any boasting about my knack for “concision”, at least as far as this blog is concerned.
as far as actual CONTENT goes i guess i should mention a couple of things, like the fact that the president of the united states has declared that venezuela is a “national security threat”. VENEZUELA. somehow that got reported in the press without anyone commenting about how LAME and INACCURATE that statement actually is. apart from thwarting the US-backed coup attempt in 2002 and trying to keep their now-nationalized oil industry safe from the grubby hands of foreign investors(or US oil companies), venezuela has seemingly been focused as of late on practicing a sort of hybrid socialism and eating a shitload(in metric tonnage) of breakfast cereal. and let’s face it, even if they were dead-set on fucking with “that-little-country-up- north” for all that we’re worth(and how do you put a dollar value on that?) they’d be obliterated with heavy weaponry by the time they reached the costa rica-nicaragua border.
then there’s the wacky letter signed by 47 kooks who happen to serve as republican senators which attempts to somehow preemptively scuttle the ongoing nuclear talks that our government is having with the leaders of iran at the moment. the fact that we live in a society where our elected “statesmen” spend their time and energy engaged in such blatant acts of buffoonery and stupidity is not a fun one to have to cop to. at least they’re actually being called to the carpet for it, i mean most of the tomfoolery perpetrated by jack-ass politicians in this country goes largely unnoticed and/or unremarked on. the only fun thing about the whole spectacle is getting to watch iran’s foreign minister school the “senators” on not only international law but also the U.S. constitution and hearing same country’s Ayatollah Khamenei call netanyahu a “zionist clown”. you gotta take the mirth where you can find it these days.
wookie now has her etsy clothes shop up and running and the first thing she sold was a COPY of a collage she made out of the blue one day so i guess from now on i’ll be referring to HER as the “artist-in-residence”. which means i’ve lost my title to the contender and either need to take it back in a rematch or think of another goddamn name to use. any ideas?


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